Ingredients for Success in Community Work
I was asked for my tips on how to run community initiatives. So here goes….
My ingredients for success in community work
1. Intention first and foremost all for pleasure of Allah. Success is from him alone
2. Organisational skills plenty of planning in advance. Organising resources and people. Your team need to know in advance what their role is. Know each individuals strength and offer support on areas of development.
3. Hunger for success. I literally get obsessed with my projects. It helps if you are passionate about the cause if not then reflect? Why are you doing it.
4. Networking and relationship building with stakeholders. Know who they are what they are interested in and find common ground. Find out how to win them over and pick your battles wisely.
5. Resilience recover quickly and learning from setbacks. What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. Be prepared to listen and change.
6. Tenacity keep going until you are satisfied you have given your best. You are you own boss ?
Saema Mohammad
An-Nisa Network ?