Community Ramadan Iftar
We are pleased to be hosting a Community Ramadan Iftar
Come and join us to learn about Ramadan and experience iftar. We will have dinner together at sunset
Please RSVP the number of places you require via our events calendar

International Women’s Day 2022
We were very pleased to host "Celebration of Women in Nottingham" on Sunday 6 March.
We had inspirational women from Nottingham sharing their personal journeys. Have a look on our Facebook page to hear their stories.
Children enjoyed arts…

An-Nisa Network Coffee Morning Meet ups
We are delighted that in partnership with Little Ninja Play Centre we bring you coffee morning meet up every third Friday of the month.
We have space for women with or without children. Children under 6 can enjoy playing in the play centre.

Calling All Women
An-Nisa Network would like to hear from you what services and activities you are interested in so that we can work on designing them with you for you.
We recognise the Covid-19 pandemic is taking a toll on many women in different ways, we…

Please note due to the ongoing Coronavirus situation, our services are currently on hold. We are offering a virtual coffee morning for women. We are on an ongoing basis monitoring government announcements and this helps us shape the delivery…

Statement of Funding
An-Nisa Network vision is to empower women at Mosques. We are an independent female led charity.
We are dedicated to deliver the best possible services to fulfil community needs. Delivering services means we do have to raise and spend money.

Launch of Sneinton coffee morning
Sneinton Coffee Morning
Jamia Masjid Sultania was hustling and bustling this morning with the new sisters coffee morning
Launch today of a weekly sisters coffee morning. We hope that many sisters will benefit going forward whilst developing…

Good News: Sneinton Coffee Morning
Good News? ??
An-Nisa Network are working with local sisters in Sneinton to set up a coffee morning at Jamia Sultania masjid. So if you live in Sneinton or nearby this could be for you!
This aligns with our mission to empower women in…

International Women’s Day celebration and award
Saema Mohammad, founder of An-Nisa Network received an award 'In appreciation of her dedicated service and outstanding accomplishments' from Nottingham Equal on 8th March 2019, International Women's Day.
She expressed her gratitude,…

Meet the muslim woman empowering ‘isolated’ women and tackling Islamophobia
A Muslim woman has been empowering isolated women through a charity for five years and hopes to tackle the "increasing number of challenges Muslim women face" - such as Islamophobia, domestic abuse and male dominance in mosques.
Saema Mohammad…