Teenage girls empowerment workshop
Teenage girls empowerment was set up to give girls confidence and tools to cope with anxiety, trauma and navigating around friendship groups. The workshop has been in place for the last two years and each year the workshop is personalised to suit the age group and needs of the service users. This year we had four workshops on Sundays.
Workshop 1 had a general theme of safety, in groups, online and with our own thoughts. The girls were individually praised for being present by the Al Hurraya 3 members.
Physical movement is so important and that’s why we included this in our second workshop. This active session was led by Bianca on behalf of DKC who demonstrated self defense and muscle stretches for the girls to practice. Some of the girls now attend these sessions as they didn’t realise they existed.
Workshop 3 was led by Nina a resident psychologist who led the session by empowering the girls with new ways of thinking about challenges that we face and how we react to them.
The last workshop was an uplifting positive coaching and celebratory session. By this session the girls had created friendship groups and in these groups they took part in a bake off. The girls created a no bake cake, the ingredients and 5 minutes of instructions were provided but the girls had to work together to put the cake together. It was a great session as the girls bonded, worked together and took control immediately. The second half of the session the girls were in charge of dressing up the room for a mum’s tea party, it was their responsibility to get the tables ready with accessories. Pizza arrived, cakes were made and mugs were full with hot chocolate and tea.
Girls were given goody bags, medals and a plate full of treats. Throughout the session each girl was seen as an individual, we tried to get to know each girl by talking to them and their families about individual needs. On this last session each girl was given a bespoke inspirational quote to ponder over.
